Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Travel Healthy!

The coronavirus is making big news. It is heartbreaking that the death toll is rising.

This terrible virus got me thinking about staying healthy. I wanted to share these travel tips to help you stay healthy while traveling. Of course it is always a good idea to wear a mask through the airport. I know it is hot, but it can really help keep those germs out of your lungs.

1.      Stay hydrated and drink lots of water. I know it sounds simple, but we often forget to push the fluids while traveling.

2.     Travel with vitamin C to boost your immune system.

3.      Get some rest and recharge your system.

4.     Thoroughly wash your hands. Scrub your hands for at least 20 seconds – that is the time it takes to sing ‘Happy Birthday’ twice.

5.      Wipe down your seating area with sanitizing wipes. Clean your driving wheel and handles. Wipe down the armrest and tray on your flight.

6.      Use a tissue to open doors so you don’t make direct contact with handles.

7.      This one sounds odd, but it really does work to kill germs! Put a little bit of Neosporin or another antibiotic ointment in your nostrils to filter the air you are breathing on an airplane.

Contact me to schedule your next trip.