Thursday, April 20, 2017

A Mother's Day Gift to Remember...

Happy Mother's DayMother's Day is ALMOST here!

What does your Mom (or your wife) REALLY want for her special day?

Do you want to show your favorite lady how much you appreciate her? Travel is a memorable gift that she will love for years to come!

Research shows that the most-treasured gifts are "actual experiences" as opposed to a material gift. Jewelry is pretty, but a trip with memories can last a lifetime!

A grandmother cuddles with her granddaughter while riding on the Jungle Cruise attractionSo what would she like? The gift of travel can take many forms and fit any budget. You give me an idea, and I do the research. What about a...
   - girls' getaway with friends?
   - trip to Disney World?
   - relaxing weekend at the beach?
   - tour of the wine country?
   - shopping trip to New York?

Has she always dreamed of a river cruise, a trip to Hawaii or a mini break in Paris? If you still need inspiration, see my TRAVEL DEALS. You can let her pick the perfect destination with a travel gift certificate. It's a smart gift choice for any Mom on your list!

Let's start planning a memorable trip for Mom. CONTACT ME for assistance in helping make this her best Mother's Day ever!